Create a High-Converting Welcome Series Email Flow


Did you know that 74.4% of new people who join your list want to receive a welcome email from you? That’s why the welcome series email flow is vital for any business.

It is one of the most effective email automations you can create. This series of emails helps you educate your potential clients about your product or service. As we know, first impressions matter a lot. Mess it up, and you are doomed. Get it right, and you are sure to secure more profits from your subscribers.

Here’s what you can do with a good welcome series:

  1. Set the right expectations with your subscribers.
  2. Give them more info about your product or service.
  3. Share case studies and testimonials.
  4. Collect feedback to make your marketing or product better.

So, how do you create a killer welcome email flow? Let’s find out!

Create Great Email Design That Makes the Difference

The visual component is essential. People will look at your design and judge your brand by it. So don’t underestimate it. Instead, invest in a professional designer. Alternatively, go ahead and look at some neat HTML email templates. Pick those you like most and use them to make your welcome email flow stick in the minds of your subscribers. Feel free to check the welcome series email flow examples for more inspiration.

Of course, your goals should define what email design to choose. Do you want to showcase your products? Or you’d like to educate them first? This will have an impact on your email design.

Also, remember to add videos to your emails. They help people decide what product or service to buy.

Make Your Subject Lines Intriguing and Click-Worthy

As reported by OptinMonster, 47% of email recipients make the decision to open an email depending on its subject line. That’s why you need great subject lines to make people want to click through.


How do you do this?

  • Put their first name in your subject line. Such subject lines slightly improve the CTRs of emails.
  • Keep it short and clear. Don’t make your subject lines longer than 7 words.
  • Evoke curiosity. Make your subject lines teaser-like to encourage your subscribers to open your emails.
  • Use emojis wisely. Here’s the thing. Subject lines with emojis are trendy. However, it turns out they may perform not so well in terms of CTRs. So you need to think about when to use or not to use them.
  • Use preview text. Preview text gives more context, and it’s a great way to grab people’s attention.

Other Welcome Email Flow Ideal Practices

Write a Good Email Copy

Your product or service can be great. However, if your email copy looks dull, it won’t make you profits. We don’t mean that you should be sales. Nobody likes that. Provide value first. Describe the perks that your subscribers can get with your newsletter, product, or service.

Killer copy for a welcome flow:

  • Explains the value of the services or products that you offer.
  • Offers something helpful for subscribers.
  • Uses social proof (like testimonials, case studies, or UGC) to build trust and credibility.

How many emails in a welcome series should you write? It depends on your goal and strategy, but at least 3-5 emails should be included.

Time Your Welcome Emails The Right Way

Send your initial email right after someone subscribes to your list. Then, wait a day before sending another email to avoid overwhelming recipients’ inboxes.

Timing is critical when scaling. To maintain low unsubscribe rates and high engagement rates, ensure that subscribers in your welcome series do not receive other emails from you.


According to Eric Miller, the director of lifecycle marketing at Tinuiti, email subscribers in the welcome series should be excluded from receiving calendar sends. They are not prepared for your complete rhythm, and they are still assessing you. You have not gained their confidence.

Include Unsubscribe Links and Support Contact Info

The CAN-SPAM Act in the US regulates commercial email and allows individuals to choose to stop receiving email communications from you whenever they want. Therefore, every email you send should have a clear option to unsubscribe, and it should be simple to do so.

Make sure to include contact information for customer support as well. Facilitating communication with a real person at your company can be the deciding factor between making a sale or losing a customer.