Hoskinson vents as BitPay list Shiba Inu over ADA despite Cardano poll lead

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BitPay’s decision to list Shiba Inu in the coin name of ADA despite lack of active use has upset many Cardano developers. The poll lead is now down by 9% after Hoskinson took to his twitter account and asked people not to vote for BitPay, putting him at odds with Vitalik Buterin who voted for it.

The “what is cardano coin” is a cryptocurrency that has been gaining in popularity and has become the second most popular cryptocurrency on the market. Hoskinson, however, was not happy with BitPay’s decision to list Shiba Inu over Cardano.

Despite the results of a user vote supporting $ADA, crypto payment operator BitPay irritated Cardano creator Charles Hoskinson by placing $SHIB above $ADA.

BitPay conducted a Twitter poll on December 8 to determine which tokens users would want to see included. There were 15 popular tokens to choose from, including Algorand, Polygon, and Avalanche.

BitPay, on the other hand, opted to endorse $SHIB even before the vote was closed. This sparked questions about why BitPay was conducting the survey in the first place.

Is the issue, however, being misrepresented?

Despite the stalled price, the Shiba Inu is on a roll.

BitPay expressed support for Shiba Inu on the same day that the poll was posted. The crypto payment service said in a blog post that purchasing, storing, trading, and spending $SHIB is now feasible via its app.

“SHIBArmy, pay attention!” Shiba Inu (SHIB) is the newest addition to BitPay’s cryptocurrency roster. This Ethereum ERC-20 token may now be bought, stored, swapped, and spent straight in the BitPay app.”

Meanwhile, the Gemini-backed digital payment network Flexa announced support for $SHIB over the weekend.

Shiba Inu token users may now use their $SHIB tokens at over 40,000 physical shops in the United States and Canada, including Barnes & Noble, Bed Bath & Beyond, Lowe’s hardware, Nordstrom, Office Depot, Whole Foods Market, and GameStop.

In both circumstances, the Shiba Inu’s basics are being strengthened. Despite the good developments, $SHIB is in a six-week slump.

While a local low of $0.00003318 was achieved over the weekend, it seems that a retest of that level is on the way. If this level is broken, the next major support level is $0.00002942.

Shiba Inu daily chartSHIBUSDT on TradingView.com is the source.

Cardano’s creator expresses his dissatisfaction.

“What was the purpose of the poll?” the Cardano creator tweeted in reaction to BitPay’s $SHIB IPO. if Shiba Inu was always going to be listed by the payment provider.

What exactly was the purpose of the poll? https://t.co/MBjBMktjE3 pic.twitter.com/R1bUg8OUQg https://t.co/MBjBMktjE3

10 December 2021 — Charles Hoskinson (@IOHK Charles)

Hoskinson’s view was mirrored by one Twitter user. On December 10, he documented the vote results as they were. Cardano is now topping the poll with 41% of the vote, followed by Tron with 36% and Shiba Inu in third place with 17%.

Cardano in the poll leadTwitter.com is the source of this information.

Despite the apparent disparity between poll results and listing announcements, there is still a chance that Cardano may be listed on BitPay.

While BitPay has yet to respond to the issue or explain if the poll has an impact on listing choices, voting indicates that the poll will remain open until December 30.

Until then, the community should reserve judgment on BitPay’s listing policy and social media promotion.



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