The Reasons for the Rise of Cryptocurrencies in Online Gaming Industries

When it comes to online gaming, there are a lot of things that need to work together to create a streamlined process. There are special features that need to operate seamlessly, gaming technology must be at its most modern, and players need to feel safe when playing games. There are many different types of online games out there, ranging from acrobatic sports to NBA three-pointer hoops. Online games have experienced many other changes over the past few years, especially when it comes to the effects that technology has had. Technology has not only impacted how games are played in today’s modern age but also how people invest in the games they play. For every FIFA or Xbox game played, players need to make some form of investment to purchase the game they want to play. This is where cryptocurrency comes in. This article aims to shed light on the reasons behind the rise of cryptocurrencies in the online gaming industry.

Safety Is At the Core

One of the most important things when it comes to online gaming is the safety that players experience. You see, players are often sharing personal information when they log in to a game. Regardless of whether you’re playing the latest NBA 2K game or signing up for one of your favorite casino bonuses, chances are that you need to enter a bit of personal information to access the game or bonus you’re after. With cryptocurrency purchases, online players can ensure that they are experiencing one of the safest forms of online transactions, due to the technology that lies behind crypto.


This technology is called blockchain technology and has been around since 2009. The basis and background for keeping cryptocurrencies safe is blockchain technology, as it allows players to engage in games with full anonymity whilst experiencing heightened security. The security that players can look forward to is exceptional with this tech. The way that blockchain technology works is that private information entered by players is saved into what is known as the nodes or the blocks of the software, these are then joined via a digital chain, hence the name ‘blockchain‘. Should one block feel that it is being tampered with, the entire chain will immediately close itself up and avoid being hacked. This is hugely important for players, who know that they need to make online purchases, but do not feel comfortable with sharing their strip details. Through the safety of digital currencies, online games have surged in popularity.

Ease of Use

Another big reason the introduction of cryptocurrencies has had such a favorable effect on the online gaming industry is down to its ease of use. For players, time is of the essence. They want to get purchasing their favorite merchandise for their online avatars, partake in the latest competitions and buy the newest versions of every game. To do this, agility and flexibility are key. With cryptocurrencies like Ethereum (ETH), gamers can make these purchases quickly and easily, without the wait times or limitations associated with traditional payment methods. In fact, the current exchange rate for ETH to USD is quite favorable, making it an even more attractive option for online gamers.

Cryptocurrencies can be stored in two main ways. Either via a software wallet or via a hardware wallet. Software wallets are a bit more susceptible to hackers, as the information is stored directly on your software. This is why most players prefer hardware wallets, as these are usually connected to something external, such as a hard drive, creating more safety. Players can save their digital currency directly on a hard drive, making it super fast and easy to make purchases with, as opposed to needing to go rummage around for your credit card.


Furthermore, there are many different types of digital currencies out there. Players can choose between Bitcoin, Tether, Ethereum or any other one that they find interesting. The only important thing to remember when it comes to cryptocurrencies is the fact that the market is extremely volatile. This means that you must do your due diligence before purchasing or partaking in cryptocurrencies, as they can go up and down in value within a matter of seconds. So do your research, understand the risks involved and then execute with all the necessary information and knowledge at your disposal.